May this website bring us closer to the spirit of love and creativity.
The painting below is ‘The Myrrh Bearing Women’ Acrylic and sacred oils on canvas.
The first print out of my Mary Magdalene cards and book has sold out. A new set has just arrived.
You can order below
with love Fay
Unique and groundbreaking.
These cards and book are the culmination of a creative spiritual journey of many years, uncovering and beginning to know these human and truly holy women. The 27 large cards are beautiful reproductions are from my paintings; each is an energetic transmission of deep wisdom. Their purpose is to bring love, healing and spiritual connection to all who see them.
A walk through Lent to Easter with the Women of the Easter story.
Inspiration, Information, meditation and creative practices and rituals.
Zooms (also recorded) plus mailouts
Zooms on Wednesdays from 6th March to 16th of April. 6pm British time, 10am East coast US, 1pm West coast US, 7pm Europe.
Please contact Fay to book or for more info
£30 per single session on application. Concessions by application. Contact Fay
Make offerings in the native clay
Learn painting techniques
Paint river stones
Create mandalas from petals and leaves
Look at the sky
Listen to the river, the trees and the birds
Listen to your heart
See with inner and outer eyes
Sing around the fire of creativity
Enter the playground of life
Where: By the river Teifi in Llandysul Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
£195 plus accommodation (camping £10 per night, room in house £30 to £40per night)
£50 deposit to secure your place
To book email
Why not treat your body your soul and your spirit to a deep dive into beauty.
All are welcome, everyone is an artist.
We will let the artistry of the natural world teach us how to be and how to express what lies within us and how to respond to what lies around us.
If you are an experienced artist I hope that you will find new inspiration.
If you are new to creating visual art just relax and have fun.
We are all there to witness and support the creative light within each one of us and within all of creation.
We will gather to experience and express beauty, love and the vital force of life itself.
What we will do:
Make art with nature itself as well as paints, pastels, pens collage etc, working out of doors and indoors.
Experiment with a variety of visual techniques.
Go deep with meditation and spiritual practices such as breath work, chant and and dance.
Weave music into our practice.
Connect with nature and our own creativity.
Make rituals honouring the natural world and the Universal Spirit.
Have fun and relax.
Your guide is Fay, an experienced Interfaith Minister, spiritual teacher, counsellor and artist who has been holding retreats for many years. .
Each week I feature one of the women disciples with a short extract from of the text from my book.
“Are there lost parts of yourself that you would like to recover?
“O Isis , the Great, God's mother, Lady of Philae,
God’s wife, God's Adorer, and God's Hand,
God'smother and Great Royal Spouse,
Adornment and Lady of the Ornaments of the Palace.
Lady and desire of the Green Fields,
Nursling who fills the palace with her beauty,
Fragrance of the palace, mistress of joy,
Who completes her course in the Divine Place.
Rain-cloud that makes green the fields when it descends,
Maiden,sweet of love, Lady of Upper and Lower Egypt,
Who issues orders among the divine Ennead,
According to whose command one rules.
Princess,great of praise, lady of charm,
Whose face enjoys the trickling of fresh myrrh.”
-Egyptian hymn to Isis
Susanna is mentioned quite early in the Gospel of Luke and nowhere else.
This painting is purely intuitive. She appeared to me as a priestess of the temple of Isis,standing under a full moon, holding a moon stone. The worship of the great mother goddess Isis was popular all around the Roman Mediterranean. Though originally an Egyptian religious movement it had her husband and brother Osiris was renamed Serapis. There were priests and priestesses in her temples. Though many of the rituals and practices were done in private we do know that some of their ideas and beliefs were held in common with the teachings of Jesus ;including the power of love, forgiveness and the resurrection of the dead.
Fay Barratt, Rev Laura Roberts, Rev Malaika, Laura Patryas and & friends warmly invite you to join them each month for One Spirit service of poetry , live music, meditation and more at The Monastery Manchester.
2pm to 3.30pm each month
Monthly workshops at Manchester Monastery for both beginners and accomplished artists. This a is a chance to explore materials, ideas, and the driving spiritual force of creativity in the sacred setting of Manchester’s Modern Monastery.
“Love the classes Fay they have helped me so much mentally and creatively.”
Monthly at Manchester Monastery
If you are interested in our monthly ONLINE Sacred Art Group please email me at
Art has always been my first love, though many other things have filled my life. I am a painter, author, spiritual teacher, an Interfaith Minister and the founder and visionary for the Mary Magdalene School of Wisdom. With 50 years experience of running workshops and groups the last 25 have focused on spiritual teaching and the Divine Feminine.
Over recent years I have realised that my experience of being in the artistic flow or being spiritually inspired and guided come from the same inner source. This is the source of universal creativity, of love, peace, and joy. It is our birthright as children of the Cosmos. No matter what our spiritual path or outlook there lies within us a force beyond our comprehension, it can only be known through direct experience. I hope that we can access that creative force together. I am really excited to see how your individual creative journey emerges. There is no right way, only what is true for you.
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