Bring forth that which longs to come through you.

May this website bring us closer to the spirit of love and creativity.

The painting below is ‘The Myrrh Bearing Women’ Acrylic and sacred oils on canvas.

My art is an act of love. My art is an act of Gratitude.

The great news is that my Mary Magdalene cards and book are available now, and you can order below.

If you’re in Manchester you can attend a workshop with the cards followed by a celebration on Mary Magdalene’s Feast day on July 21st.  Online workshops to be announced soon.

Soon you will be able to view and order some of my paintings and prints.  

with love Fay

Mary Magdalene and the Women Disciples wisdom cards and book.

Unique and groundbreaking.

27 Large cards with beautiful and reproductions of my original paintings. The book contains information,  and suggested practices - meditation, art, writing, dance, nature and more.

£36 UK, £38 EU, £42 worldwide including postage

Pay Here

double or treble click if the link doesn’t work


These cards and book are the culmination of a creative spiritual journey of many years, uncovering and beginning to know these human and truly holy women. The 27 large cards are beautiful reproductions are from my paintings; each is an energetic transmission of deep wisdom. Their purpose is to bring love, healing and spiritual connection to all who see them.

Mary Magdalene was not a lone woman tagging along with the male disciples of Jesus. She was a leading disciple, one of the many women disciples and followers; some of whom went on to teach, inspire and lead early communities.

The book contains quotations, questions, information and inspiration on each of the women and a suggested practice. Practices include journaling, art work, poetry, meditation, prayer, song and dance. They are invitations to move into a deeper connection with the universal mystery of life.

Most of the women represented on these cards were Jewish but the wisdom is universal and not limited to any gender,religion or group. You are so welcome here.

Mary of Bethany

What is your relationship to tears?

Each week I feature one of the women disciples with a short extract from  of the text from the book.

“Now when Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet,saying to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother  have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping, and the people who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept.”

The Gospel of John

…………………………. Martha had already been to Jesus and said these exact words that Mary says, but it is with Mary that he cries. ………...

…………... Mary brings us a radical and more feminine gift of leadership. It is there for women and men. It is democratic, relational and transparent. It requires  be open and vulnerable whilst remaining strong.…………..


The gift of tears. Music and Writing exercise.

What is your relationship to tears?  Do you avoid them in yourself?  Are they stuck in your throat or chest?  Do you find yourself drowning in them?  How are you with the tears of others?

What is the gift that tears hold for you?

Put on some sad music that really moves you. If you are feeling close to tears at this moment you may not need the music.

Sit with it and allow yourself to experience the well of tears inside.  

Take apiece of paper and a pen. Begin by writing -

I am your tears and I bring you the gifts of

I am your tears I bring the world the gifts of__________________

Do your best to allow what wants to come through to be written. It doesn’t have to make sense immediately.

Take care of yourself afterwards. Have a warm comforting drink and a gentle nap or a walk out into nature. Reach out for help if you need it.

One Spirit Gatherings at Manchester Monastery UK

Fay Barratt and & friends warmly invite you to join them each month for  One Spirit service of poetry , live music, meditation and more at The Monastery Manchester.

2pm to 3.30pm

June 16th The Divine Father

July 21st Celebrating Mary Magdalene

August 18th Grace

September 22nd The Golden Rule

October 20th Ubutntu - Because of you I am

November 17th forgiveness

December 22nd donkey day for all the family

The Monastery Manchester

Creating Sacred Art

Bring forth what longs to come through you.

Monthly workshops at Manchester Monastery for both beginners and accomplished artists. This a is a chance to explore materials, ideas, and the driving spiritual force of creativity in the sacred setting of Manchester’s Modern Monastery.

“Love the classes Fay they have helped me so much mentally and creatively.”

June 16th

September 22nd

October 20th

November 17th

Fay Barratt

Art has always been my first love, though many other things have filled my life. I am a painter, spiritual teacher, an Interfaith Minister and the founder and visionary for the Mary Magdalene School of Wisdom. With 50 years experience of running workshops and groups the last 25 have focused on spiritual teaching and the Divine Feminine.
Over recent years I have realised that my experience of being in the artistic flow or being spiritually inspired and guided come from the same inner source. This is the source of universal creativity, of love, peace, and joy. It is our birthright as children of the Cosmos. No matter what our spiritual path or outlook there lies within us a force beyond our comprehension, it can only be known through direct experience. I hope that we can access that creative force together. I am really excited to see how your individual creative journey emerges. There is no right way, only what is true for you.  


My art is an act of love. May the wind of Grace blow through me, sweeping away all hubris, leaving only hand, eye, heart, soul, light. May the infinite radiance of creation open my inner and outer eyes.  I am grateful, humble and forever in service of love.  My art is an act of graitude.

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More to come………………………….

While my site is being created please contact me at

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